A Simple HTML5 Responsive Template for Free Download

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For those that don't want/need the sophistication/complexity of a framework such as Bootstrap, this minimal responsive HTML template provides 3 columns - left-hand navigation and right-hand side bar of fixed width, and fluid center main content area. For screens below a certain width the menu becomes a dropdown, and below a smaller width the template becomes a single column with right-hand content (eg ads) positioned below main content.

Customize as required.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas pretium tortor eu orci semper, nec ornare velit aliquam. Cras tempus massa eu luctus euismod. Curabitur porttitor dolor sed mauris venenatis, a adipiscing risus venenatis. Phasellus sed molestie nibh. Pellentesque nec nulla ligula. Sed non tempus ligula.

Fusce quam erat, sagittis a nunc nec, semper ullamcorper mi. Nam vulputate libero libero, at pulvinar lorem ullamcorper at. Donec sed nibh consequat, bibendum augue ac, scelerisque ligula. Sed consequat tincidunt ligula, vel congue ante commodo ac. Maecenas porta mattis purus, et sollicitudin mauris aliquet ac. Nam malesuada sapien ac lectus semper commodo. Etiam eu lorem quis justo pretium sodales vel sed neque.